Even before the pandemic happened and all the restaurants were forced to close and life ceased to be as it was, I had cooked and baked almost everything we ate. Besides the meals themselves, I made lots of kitchen staples: loaves of flax-laden sourdough, almond walnut granola, jars of spicy salsa and sweet marmalade…delicious things …
Category Archives: bakbakbaking
peanut butter and jealous.
I’m a piler. I like to pile things; it’s how I put things in order. Currently on my desk, I have: two piles of books, three piles of papers (separated based on topic), and a pile of yarn that I’m making something with. It’s not pretty to look at, but I do, in fact, know …
Oh HI! It’s been a few blinks. Life piles on, and it doesn’t always leave room for chronicling it online, or more importantly, in my mind’s memory bank. For better or worse, significant moments seem to be marked by the food surrounding them. As I think of past meals, I am better able to recall …
peanut butter cookies, loneliness, and lady afternoons.
“…when you’re really lonely, the peanut butter sticks to the roof of your mouth.” – Charlie Brown. In grade 6, our class put on – or, more accurately, was told – to put on a production of, You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown. I think I was a made-up character named “Adam” and had maybe one 10-word …
Continue reading “peanut butter cookies, loneliness, and lady afternoons.”
the three c’s of granola.
It was getting out of control. For the past few months, I had been voraciously eating granola, that I’d been buying at the grocery store. Sacrilege. But wait, it had a cute name! – it was called, “Love Crunch.” But more importantly, it contained chocolate. Oops! Details. The tipping point was when Longer Legs raised …
summer in winter in January.
It has been an exceedingly warm winter this year. Well, it has been warm for the past week. Before that it was -40 degrees Celsius. I have the memory bank of a meerkat, apparently. More importantly, I have reason to participate in the futile art of complaining about the weather: I had really been enjoying …
getting my squirrel on.
A few years ago during a road trip, a mouse got into our trunk and made a home for a few nights. He slept in the instant oats, nibbled on the stump of a muffin, picked open a bag of corn chips but didn’t eat the chips themselves – and most interestingly, ate a whole …
pumpkin ginger cranberry snack bars.
These were the second type of bars that I made for my yoga/Ayurveda workshop! Woo! I think I prefer these bars over the Winter Sun ones – I love their chewy, moist texture, and the deep flavour of the molasses balances well with the heat of the dried ginger. These are based off of the …
winter sun granola bars.
Virginia Woolf famously said, “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well” – so I felt it was very important to make some delicious granola bars for the students that came to my yoga/Ayurveda workshop this wintry weekend. We started with a gentle yoga class, took a break for snacks and tea, …