the three c’s of granola.

It was getting out of control. For the past few months, I had been voraciously eating granola, that I’d been buying at the grocery store.  Sacrilege.  But wait, it had a cute name! – it was called, “Love Crunch.”  But more importantly, it contained chocolate.  Oops!  Details. The tipping point was when Longer Legs raised …

a poultice of sorts.

When I was little, I was obsessed with the Laura Ingalls Wilder books, and the romanticized life of a settler: learning how to live off the land, to make do with what you had, and to be self-sufficient.  It was a far cry from the concrete-laden cityscape that I traversed in my red-and-white Keds sneakers, …

getting my squirrel on.

A few years ago during a road trip, a mouse got into our trunk and made a home for a few nights.  He slept in the instant oats, nibbled on the stump of a muffin, picked open a bag of corn chips but didn’t eat the chips themselves – and most interestingly, ate a whole …

winter sun granola bars.

Virginia Woolf famously said, “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well” – so I felt it was very important to make some delicious granola bars for the students that came to my yoga/Ayurveda workshop this wintry weekend.  We started with a gentle yoga class, took a break for snacks and tea, …

seaweed wrap, peanut butter edition.

It would appear that I like to variate on a theme. After all the jollies I got from making raw veggie seaweed wraps, I decided to try another version, but this time make it a little heartier. I give you peanut butter chicken spinach seaweed wraps. Yeah.  Yeah! The rice is instant brown rice (sacrilege!) …

homemade ice cream 2.0.

Maybe the dairy is clouding my brain, but I don’t think I’ll ever buy ice cream from the grocery store again. It is so easy and so gratifying to make ice cream from scratch – I think it’s one of the great secret pleasures of life.  And you don’t need an ice cream maker. Last …

raw! seaweed! sprouts! YEAH!

Hot summer days (and even the not so hot ones) beg for light, easy to digest meals: a sense of freshness and clarity is what I seek when I push myself away from the table.  So when I remembered the idea of using seaweed as a wrap, I set to work: to start, I began sprouting some …

sexy vacuum chicken.

  I’m not sure what’s sexier: a laser thermometer, or cooking food without reaching a boiling temperature.  Hm…. The other week I tried cooking chicken breast using the sous vide method – that is, under vacuum.  If food is under vacuum, then the cooking temperature doesn’t have to be as high for the food to …