polenta: baby food for grown-ups.

I have had a large jar of cornmeal sitting in the pantry for over a year.  It makes periodical appearances, usually when I am making pizza and I need to dust the baking sheet with it.  Sometimes I think I will make corn bread, but it never seems to happen, because corn bread without bits …

“Everything was amazing.”

Said the Muffin Man, when I asked him what his favorite dish was from the night’s dinner. Well! We had a couple of friends over for dinner on a Saturday night, and I had greatly looked forward to an evening filled with good company and of course, good food.  As you may or may not …

C is for courgette…

…and for clear countertops 🙂 In a continued effort to clear our counters of its population of yummy veggies that have been gifted to us, I made zucchini and apple fritters for a picnic lunch with the Muffin Man.  Beside some curlicues of shrimp, they were a light and pleasant treat on an early fall …