heart to heart.

Hey lookie!

heartI bought a set of heart-shaped cookie cutters.


While I generally prefer drop cookies over cookies that need to be rolled and cut, I can’t resist a heart – especially if it is made of chocolate biscuit, which I’m planning to do for a particular date in February, no big deal.

I also generally prefer to keep my shoebox of a kitchen as uncluttered as possible, but here’s the thing: perhaps it is the words of a sugar-addled mind, but with all the kitchen tools I accumulate and use over the years, there is a fond memory attached to each of them – the spatula that iced an 80-year-old’s white chocolate birthday cake, the cheery yellow Rosti ladle that served us soup to get through another winter – or the mixing bowl from Longer Hollow Legs’ grandmother, which has seen multiple generations’ worth of doughs, batters, salads and more.  I have come to see how cooking holds things together (particularly my sanity), and when I’m feeling low, sitting in my kitchen with all my inanimate pots and spoons around me is very comforting indeed.