C is for courgette…

…and for clear countertops 🙂

In a continued effort to clear our counters of its population of yummy veggies that have been gifted to us, I made zucchini and apple fritters for a picnic lunch with the Muffin Man.  Beside some curlicues of shrimp, they were a light and pleasant treat on an early fall afternoon.


Zucchini Apple Fritters

1 large zucchini
2 apples
1 egg
some flour and bread crumbs
garlic powder
lemon zest

Grate the zucchini and apples.  Squeeze out as much water as possible, and mix with the egg.  Add enough flour and bread crumbs until the mixture is no longer soggy, but still sticking together.  Add salt, some garlic powder, and lemon zest.  Heat up some oil in a frying pan over medium-high heat.  With the zucchini/apple mixture, shape a loose patty in your hands and plop into the pan.  Fry on both sides until it turns an appetizing brown. Eat outside, served on china plates.